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Income Tax Return 2020
Most residents of the Netherlands must file an income tax return. If you do not request a postponement, you must have submitted the income tax return before 8 May 2021. If you have not yet filed a tax return, you will first receive a reminder from the tax authorities. If you respond in time, you will avoid a fine. Scholtz Administraties provides tailor-made declaration assistance. You can opt for a personal appointment on location, or for the use of video calling. We prefer a personal appointment on location, but it is understandable if you prefer not to.
Don't pay too much Tax, avoid leaving money behind. If you did not receive an invitation from the tax authorities to file an income tax return, there is a good chance that you will be able to get a refund. The tax authorities are not always aware of your possible deductions or changes in personal circumstances.
In most cases, declaration aid from Scholtz Administraties costs people with an employment contract or benefit no more than 50 Euro including VAT. This includes a short telephone interview, a check on necessary documents and evidence, including an appointment at which the 2020 Income Tax return will be submitted.
Expats and other newcomers often have questions about the Dutch tax system. Ask those questions during the Income Tax appointment. General questions can usually be answered immediately. More personal requests for advice may require time and research. You understand that an agreement will then be made about the reasonable additional costs.
Tax Assessment Income Tax 2020
If you have filed an income tax return or had it done, you will receive an income tax assessment from the tax authorities. The assessment states what you must pay or get back in income tax. If the tax authorities deviates from the return, you can lodge an objection within 6 weeks.
Provisional Income Tax Assessment 2021
You may have already received a provisional income tax assessment 2021, or you may already know that you must pay or receive income tax for the year 2021. Certainly to prevent you from accruing a 'hidden' debt, it is wise to properly estimate your rights and obligations for the year 2021, and possibly apply for a Provisional Income Tax Assessment 2021. This way you avoid saving with the tax authorities or an unpleasant surprise in the new year.
Checking Supplements, A Good Idea
For the time being we are stuck with the Dutch "Toeslagen" system. If you receive Childcare Allowance, Housing Allowance or Healthcare Allowance from the government, you must constantly check whether you are not receiving too much (or too little). You must also report changes in personal circumstances. This way you prevent the 'hidden' debts that everyone is so afraid of, as well as fines. It is good practice to check the amount of the entitlement to Toeslagen when filing an Income Tax return.