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Looking for a good, and thus reliable Bookkeeper. And then?

Free Introduction

An introductory meeting is important and is free for the first hour. Service provision is and remains human work. In addition to the nature of the human being, the nature of the company is important. If a first meeting yields more than a pleasant introduction, then the multiple is often a well-meant warning. But otherwise, the purpose of the first meeting is really getting acquainted.

We are obliged to request your identification and to keep proof of identification. The copy of the identification document will be marked with a cross in your presence, your BSN will be partly made unrecognizable and kept safe.

You Already Have An Accountant, Bookkeeper Or Tax Advisor
As long as the introductory meeting does not turn into an in-depth consultation, all good as start. We are free to get acquainted. In the event that you receive advice in the form of a warning during the introduction, there are basically two options. One option does not require further explanation, the other option is that you do not ignore the warning. In the latter case, it is advisable that you inform and consult your accountant, bookkeeper or tax advisor before taking any action. Whatever the intended action is.

Legal Assistance Dispute Tax Authorities

Are you looking for legal assistance in an existing or possible future dispute with the tax authorities? Then it is wise to report this immediately at the first meeting. In the event that an objection or appeal must be lodged on your behalf, it is important to lay down the legal nature of the assignment in an agreement. We thereby achieve a duty of confidentiality that is comparable to that we know from the legal profession. However, in that case it is excluded that we can perform bookkeeping or other advisory work for you, or prepare tax returns.
Scholtz Administraties
Maria Margaretalaan 39, 2157 NM Abbenes
Kamer van Koophandel 68116128
Scholtz Administraties
Maria Margaretalaan 39, 2157 NM Abbenes
KvK 68116128
Scholtz Administraties
Maria Margaretalaan 39, 2157 NM Abbenes
KvK 68116128
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