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Looking for a good, and thus reliable Bookkeeper. And then?

Good Bookkeeping Rests On Up-To-Date Tax Knowledge

Although your Bookkeeping might be small and delivered in a shoe box, manual processing and assessment must be based on the current state of tax law. If the bookkeeping is larger, and it involves computer processing, the structure of the bookkeeping must correspond to the same state of tax law. Think of the correct VAT standard settings that are necessary for a correct VAT return, and integration of the payroll administration within the financial administration.

Behind every good bookkeeper is an up-to-date tax advisor.

Tip: Failure to Comply With The Retention Obligation Takes Down The Best Bookkeeping
No matter how large or small the bookkeeping is, whether or not it is created with the help of accounting software, the bookkeeping does not offer you any protection under tax law if you do not keep for 7 years what may be important for the correct taxation. In original form. Invoices received and sent digitally require special attention for several reasons. Save all e-mail, a digitally received invoice should also state the transmitting date.

Website Of The Belastingdienst (Tax Authorities)
The site of the Dutch Tax Authorities is based on the various tax laws. The content represents the opinion of the State Secretary of Finance, and no more than an opinion. If you follow the explanation and instructions available on, you can count on it. That you will not come into conflict with the Tax Inspector. However, it is not said that the explanation on is correct in all areas, or that you understand it correctly. And it is certainly not said that the state of tax law formed by case law precludes a different interpretation.

You can trust the content of If you are going to work with information from, print the information and keep it safe. You may not rely on statements made by an employee of the Tax Information Service Line. The judge has ruled the same way over and over again. It doesn't matter whether you recorded the conversation or not. You can, however, write to the Tax Inspector. Request the Tax Inspector to comment on your position on a particular subject, or part of your tax return. However, doing so you already show that you have your doubts.

Scholtz Administraties
Maria Margaretalaan 39, 2157 NM Abbenes
Kamer van Koophandel 68116128
Scholtz Administraties
Maria Margaretalaan 39, 2157 NM Abbenes
KvK 68116128
Scholtz Administraties
Maria Margaretalaan 39, 2157 NM Abbenes
KvK 68116128
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